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Do you know that ??

Dear Readers, do you know about risk factors of Lung cancer ? If you are residing in a city where polution is a great problem, like air pollution, then you be attacked by lung cancer. Also if you are a regular smoker then you are in great risk. Researches shows that only inhaling toxic smokes are not important. If you are containing " Genes " that causes lung cancer then you are in great risks. So, it is proved clinicaly that if you dont have a lung cancer gene then you may not attacked by lung cancer though you are a smoker or anything like this. But, the problem is we dont know that whether we have the gene responsible for lung cancer or not. So, it will better to quit smoking if you are a smoker. Also, clinicaly doctors get those poatients who have alredy developed a cancer after exposing to the risk factors for several years. So, if a person quits smoking even after 15years he will get rid from lung cancer. But, he must in a great risk.

Exercise and proper sleep can reduce cancer risk

The latest research shows that proper exercise which should be regulated ( Like 30mins daily ) and proper sleep can reduce cancer risks. Because, daily exercise maintains body metabolism in a steady way and this prevents altered metabolism within our body. Also, proper sleep which should be at least 6 hours at night can reduces the altered endocrine and metabolic functions. So, proper sleep is very important. This all can reduce cancer risks upto 55%.