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which is also known as Carcinoma. There are two terms regarding cancer and these are benign and malignant. Benign cancers are not fatal and these can be cured by treatment like surgery and radiotherapy. But malignant cancers are fatal. Because it can not be cured by treatment due to its spreading nature.

At first there are some stimuli that alters the normal function and growing pattern of a cell. The stimuli are called Carcinogens. Carcinogens are chemical or radiation or something like this. When carcinogens enter into the body repeatedly then it alters the normality of our cells. Then our cells show abnormality in growing and metabolism. At the same time our body tries to compensate this changes. But when fails then this abnormality takes figure into any benign lesion. This benign lesion can be the benign cancer cells in an adenoma ( Its a benign tumor of glandular tissue, like breast ) . Then these benign cells grows more rapidly due to repeated stimuli and finally spreads into other organs via blood streams or lymphatics. This is called metastasis. Metastasis can also occur by seeding through body cavities ( IE. Krukenbeg's Tumour of Overy ). Finally this spreader reside in another tissue of our body and further shows abnormality on that organ.

Now, What is the treatment of these things ? The ultimate goal to treat cancer is in two stages. Number one, is it in benign stage or in malignant stage. If its benign then we can treat it with a radiotherapy. Its nothing but a radioactive ray is given to destroy to those abnormal cells. But if its dissiminated through out the body then we will give the Chemotherapy. Its the chemical drugs that selectively destroyes those cancer cells. In benign stage we can also remove that mass of tumour by a surgery.


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