Friday, February 13, 2009

Overweight and Its Relation to CHD


According to current estimates, 64.4 million Americans have one or more types of cardiovascular disease. Within cardiovascular diseases, coronary heart disease (CHD) is the single largest killer of Americans. CHD caused 502,189 deaths in the US in 2001 – about 1 in every 5. The American Heart Association estimates that 13.2 million Americans have CHD. In fact, up to half of all sudden, out-of-hospital cardiac deaths occur in people with no prior diagnosis of heart disease, and over two-thirds of heart attach sufferers have blockages in their arteries considered to be clinically “insignificant” in terms of plaque burden and percent stenosis. Until recently, it was widely held that most heart attacks were caused by a gradual build-up of atherosclerotic plaque within the arteries of the heart (“hardening of the arteries”), impedes blood flow, and eventually results in blocked blood vessels that can cause acute ischemic events such as unstable angina, heart attack, stroke, peripheral vascular disease, and a variety of other related debilitating conditions.

Source: Association for the Eradication of Heart Attack

Scientists now know that life-threatening cardiac events are very often linked to unstable, rupture-prone arterial deposits known as “vulnerable plaques.” These unstable plaques are associated with enlargement of the arterial vessel wall, and consist of soft, biologically active, thrombogenic fatty material covered by a thin fibrous cap and characterized by a large infiltration of activated macrophages, indicating a high level of inflammation. Inflammation leads to an accumulation of proteolytic enzymes, which leads to a breakdown or sudden rupture of the fibrous cap, without warning, resulting in the release or erosion of the fatty lipid core into the blood stream. Exposure to the thromboemboli cascade promotes the formation of blood clots that can cause acute ischemic events, such as unstable angina or myocardial infarction.

Researchers believe that these vulnerable plaques are responsible for 85% or more of all heart attacks, and that the same types of plaque deposits in the carotid and cerebral arteries may account for the majority of ischemic strokes.

Research 06 : Diabetes Can Be Cured Parmanantly.

Diabetes Mellitus ..... Its a very common name for some peoples of this world. Because its on the diseases that is also called a " silent killer ". But proper care can relives its symptoms. Let us Know what is Diabetes Mellitus (DM). Simply its a disease of Pancreatic B- Cells where there is less production of Insulin. As a result , blood glucose is not properly metabolised. So, there is extra amount of blood glucose which causes several symptoms. 

Now , DM is a great challenge to treat. Now a days one in every 300 aged person has Insulin Dependant Type-I Diabetes (IDDM-I) . So redical cure of it can save thousands of People. Still today the only prophylaxis that causes symptomatic releive is Controlling DM. But, Researchers have reached beyond the limit. Experiment of Animals like Rat , shows that a B-Celll transplantation can prodeces sufficient amount of Insulin . And its sufficient to meet the peripheral demand of Insulin in the body. As a result glucose metabolism will be restored to previous normal level. So it can relieve DM.......................

To BE Continued...................

Saturday, November 22, 2008


which is also known as Carcinoma. There are two terms regarding cancer and these are benign and malignant. Benign cancers are not fatal and these can be cured by treatment like surgery and radiotherapy. But malignant cancers are fatal. Because it can not be cured by treatment due to its spreading nature.

At first there are some stimuli that alters the normal function and growing pattern of a cell. The stimuli are called Carcinogens. Carcinogens are chemical or radiation or something like this. When carcinogens enter into the body repeatedly then it alters the normality of our cells. Then our cells show abnormality in growing and metabolism. At the same time our body tries to compensate this changes. But when fails then this abnormality takes figure into any benign lesion. This benign lesion can be the benign cancer cells in an adenoma ( Its a benign tumor of glandular tissue, like breast ) . Then these benign cells grows more rapidly due to repeated stimuli and finally spreads into other organs via blood streams or lymphatics. This is called metastasis. Metastasis can also occur by seeding through body cavities ( IE. Krukenbeg's Tumour of Overy ). Finally this spreader reside in another tissue of our body and further shows abnormality on that organ.

Now, What is the treatment of these things ? The ultimate goal to treat cancer is in two stages. Number one, is it in benign stage or in malignant stage. If its benign then we can treat it with a radiotherapy. Its nothing but a radioactive ray is given to destroy to those abnormal cells. But if its dissiminated through out the body then we will give the Chemotherapy. Its the chemical drugs that selectively destroyes those cancer cells. In benign stage we can also remove that mass of tumour by a surgery.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Treatment with stem cells, a new era in medical science.......

A new Era is coming forward in the treatment of human body. That is the STEM CELL THERAPY. If this treatment comes forward then medical science can treat many of those major diseases that are killing a large number of people each year. There are many diseases now that can't be cured by medical treatment, like Paralysis. If a patient has paralysis then doctors give him only some supportive treatment to improve his nerve supply on that affected area. But it can't give a redical cure. Because if a nerve cell damaged it cant be regenerated due to it is mane if stable cells. But, if a stem cell is replaced on that area then it can regenerate a nerve cell because stem cell can grow in the form of any cells or tissues, it has that capacity. Although a stem cell can grow in any form of a tissue or an organ. So, if we can place a stem cell in that affected hand or leg then this stem cell will grow under control and can regenerate into that original tissue. So, the patient will be cured ultimately.
And this theory made our scientists happy. And from this theory many researches are going on under laboratory. We all hope that finally we will get a new Era on medical treatment.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Do you know that ??

Dear Readers, do you know about risk factors of Lung cancer ? If you are residing in a city where polution is a great problem, like air pollution, then you be attacked by lung cancer. Also if you are a regular smoker then you are in great risk. Researches shows that only inhaling toxic smokes are not important. If you are containing " Genes " that causes lung cancer then you are in great risks. So, it is proved clinicaly that if you dont have a lung cancer gene then you may not attacked by lung cancer though you are a smoker or anything like this. But, the problem is we dont know that whether we have the gene responsible for lung cancer or not. So, it will better to quit smoking if you are a smoker.
Also, clinicaly doctors get those poatients who have alredy developed a cancer after exposing to the risk factors for several years. So, if a person quits smoking even after 15years he will get rid from lung cancer. But, he must in a great risk.

5 Key Points : Treatments of common cold attack...

By following five small steps one can prevent common cold attack. These are :
1. Keep yourself warm during winter.
2. Take any broad spectrum antibiotic if sore throat present.
3. Take Paracetamol to lower the pain.
4. Take plenty of water.
5. Eat green vegetables and fruits.

Exercise and proper sleep can reduce cancer risk

The latest research shows that proper exercise which should be regulated ( Like 30mins daily ) and proper sleep can reduce cancer risks. Because, daily exercise maintains body metabolism in a steady way and this prevents altered metabolism within our body. Also, proper sleep which should be at least 6 hours at night can reduces the altered endocrine and metabolic functions. So, proper sleep is very important. This all can reduce cancer risks upto 55%.