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Showing posts from February 13, 2009

Overweight and Its Relation to CHD

UNDERSTANDING CORONARY HEART DISEASE (CHD) According to current estimates, 64.4 million Americans have one or more types of cardiovascular disease. Within cardiovascular diseases, coronary heart disease (CHD) is the single largest killer of Americans. CHD caused 502,189 deaths in the US in 2001 – about 1 in every 5. The American Heart Association estimates that 13.2 million Americans have CHD. In fact, up to half of all sudden, out-of-hospital cardiac deaths occur in people with no prior diagnosis of heart disease, and over two-thirds of heart attach sufferers have blockages in their arteries considered to be clinically “insignificant” in terms of plaque burden and percent stenosis. Until recently, it was widely held that most heart attacks were caused by a gradual build-up of atherosclerotic plaque within the arteries of the heart (“hardening of the arteries”), impedes blood flow, and eventually results in blocked blood vessels that can cause acute ischemic events such as...
Research 06 : Diabetes Can Be Cured Parmanantly. Diabetes Mellitus ..... Its a very common name for some peoples of this world. Because its on the diseases that is also called a " silent killer ". But proper care can relives its symptoms. Let us Know what is Diabetes Mellitus (DM). Simply its a disease of Pancreatic B- Cells where there is less production of Insulin. As a result , blood glucose is not properly metabolised. So, there is extra amount of blood glucose which causes several symptoms.  Now , DM is a great challenge to treat. Now a days one in every 300 aged person has Insulin Dependant Type-I Diabetes (IDDM-I) . So redical cure of it can save thousands of People. Still today the only prophylaxis that causes symptomatic releive is Controlling DM. But, Researchers have reached beyond the limit. Experiment of Animals like Rat , shows that a B-Celll transplantation can prodeces sufficient amount of Insulin . And its sufficient to meet the peripheral demand of Insulin i...