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Showing posts from March 26, 2009


Postpartum Hemorrhage Postpartum hemorrhage is blood loss of > 500 mL during or immediately after the 3rd stage of labor in a vaginal delivery or > 1000 mL in a cesarean delivery. Diagnosis is clinical. Treatment depends on etiology of the hemorrhage. Causes of postpartum hemorrhage : > Uterine atony (the most common) > Lacerations of the genital tract > Extension of an episiotomy > Uterine rupture > Bleeding disorders > Retained placental tissues > Hematoma > Uterine inversion >Subinvolution (incomplete involution) of the placental site (which usually occurs early but may occur as late as 1 mo after delivery) Risk factors for uterine atony include uterine overdistention (caused by multifetal pregnancy, polyhydramnios, or an abnormally large fetus), prolonged or dysfunctional labor, grand multiparity (delivery of ≥ 5 viable fetuses), relaxant anesthetics, rapid labor, and chorioamnionitis. Uterine fibroids may contribute to postpartum hemorrhage. A hi...